Sri Lanka
Report November 2004
Once more a pleasant trip to Sri Lanka from the 16th of September to the 12th of October. Not much difference in weather from last time. Same temperature and some showers. The sea is a little rough and it is difficult to go for a swim, but when you are there it is pleasant.
The construction is progressing and the first two buildings are completed now. When we find "a good day" we will start on the machine shop building. Things take time, especially in Sri Lanka.

October 2004.

Drainage for the rain water ending at the gate.
The prototype of the Morris Minor for the children is in progress. The body is nearly completed and the mechanicals are also developing well. Until now the car weigh only little and I hope we can keep the weight low and make it easy for the children to use the car.

There is still much to develop.
Many new parts are also developed. In the next sending arriving in Denmark in December there will be 19 new part numbers. Most is small items and parts produced to special order. The parts I think will be most popular are the fibre glass fuel tank. We use a special material for the purpose and the tank will be very strong and durable.
Producing new Vans is still going on, but it will take quite some time before we can deliver a car ready for the road. Until we are able to import quality parts to Sri Lanka we have to stay with the body and leather seats and trim.
Best regards
November 2004