Developing new parts
Dear Morris Minor Owner,
My name is Anton. I am the owner of

Nordisk Morris Minor Lager A/S in Denmark

and Classic Cars (Pvt.) Ltd. in Sri Lanka.
I have been in this trade around 35 years and still enjoy what I am doing.
Too often your supplier say not available when you ask for a part. Many parts become obsolete as it is not viable for the manufacturer to produce the little we can buy.
Therefore I founded Classic Cars in 1995 especially for low scale production. We are now making nearly 600 different parts of which many are only available from us.
95 % of the production is shipped to Denmark and much is sold to my colleagues in England.
Therefore I should keep you updated about the development as we are developing new parts all the time.
If you know that a part is no longer available – try to ask your supplier again or have a look on my website. It might be available again – also in England.
Often it is only simple items that makes it difficult for you to keep your Morris Minor nice and reliable and we must do our best to keep everything available at any time. If it becomes too difficult, you will look for some other car and the Minor might be scrapped.
I am in Sri Lanka now and when I go back to Denmark the 8th of February I will have some samples of LOG1004 motif MORRIS MINOR with me. They are made from brass and when they are cromed nobody will see any difference. Surely they will last longer than the ones we know.
The samples are not cromed but they are so beautiful without and maybe somebody would like to polish their gold emblems every Sunday morning or find a way to protect them? What do you think? Should we stock them in gold and in crome?
In the latest shipment there were three new items, the big blanking plug behind the battery, a radiator hose with heater outtake and a tray to fit under the engine sump.
Surely the blanking plug will prevent some noise and fumes to enter the cabin from the engine bay.
In the mid sixties the water pump was changed to the ones with aluminium body we know today. But for some reason the radiator hose was not changed.
As far as I know all radiator hoses available now are 1 inch inside and will fit the cast iron water pumps. The aluminium housing is 28mm and when we force the modern radiator hoses on they are stretched too much and will often crack at the clip and start leaking after some time.
Our new radiator hose is 28 mm inside at the pump end and 1 inch at the radiator end. We now stock both.
The tray under the engine sump is very easy to fit and clean. It will take the drop from the timing cover in front and the hole in the clutch housing at rear. With this you do not need to worry about marking your parking place.
In the future I will do my best also to tell you about parts we have developed earlier.
Best regards